Originally Posted by kev2809
hmm, so if my pressure switch is a 145psi cut off...that doesnt mean i have 11 gallons of air to use? it doesnt matter how full the tank is, just matters how much pressure is in it?
if thats true, do i have to get a different pressure switch?
you don't need a new switch. the pressure and the volume are interelated. open to the atmosphere, which is 14.7 psi, the tank holds roughly 11 gallons if Shane's math is correct. if your pressure gauge reads zero when the tank is open then pumped to 14.7 psig (twice atmospheric) there will be twice as much air in the tank (22 gallons) and pumped to 145 psig there will be almost 10 times as much air, 110 gallons. bigger tank at same pressure just gives more reserve.