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Old 07-04-2011, 09:58 AM   #1
Dude...I'm a CHICK
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Sterio/ speaker question

Hey yall! Ok, this is something else Ive never really messed with. Before I put my Burb in the paintshop, I removed all sterio, amp and speakers, half of which were rotted and non functional. I really want to put my sterio back in (even tho its cassette, lol) I have a set of 6x9 I just want to put under the middle seat. Im not into thumping and bumping, I just want to be able to hear it, Do I have to install the AMP? or should I be able to get enough volume from the 6x9? Also, if anyone can explain it VERY simply and VERY clearly, how do I hook up the sterio and speakers? I know the sterio basically just plugs in where it was before, but Im using different speakers.

"The unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates

'71 GMC Suburban 4x4
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