Originally Posted by frankyjoet
i installed a new battery and smoke was coming from the neg side. I don't why. I am trying to start with a remote hookup. Acutron. I have a metal grounding strap from the firewall connected to the valve cover. A 12 guage wire from engine block is connected to the same bolt on the frame where the NEG cable is connected. Is the 12 gauge thick enough for a ground? Please advise thanks 
Smoke from the negative battery post usually means you have a loose connection right there. Please read on...
Stock battery cables are 4ga. 12ga is WAY too small to run the starter. At the high amperage starter load the 12ga wire is acting like a big resistor.
The stock neg cable goes to the engine. Move the neg battery cable back to the block or swap the 12ga frame to block wire out with a 2ga or 4ga wire... And move the firewall ground from the valve cover to a bellhousing bolt or some other solid connection.