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Old 07-06-2011, 10:09 AM   #23
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Re: Project Polar Bear

Originally Posted by thirdstreettito View Post
You are the ONLY person who has said that. Everyone else said they have done it and it works fine.

Also, I forgot to mention, I paint the front of the underside of the truck under the front bumper the other day, just do it would be black instead of rust colored. It looks so much better. I couldn't do more because the frame it was too dirty, I have to wash the truck again, I cant wait till it's clean and I can paint it all, it will look SO much better.
there is just no way to adapt a tbi unit to a factory vortec intake. I like the burb tho and its coming along nice!
2004 z71, 96 z71 on 38s, 88 Chevy k5 blazer, 4in lift. 84 swb project, 82 SWB project , 84 chevy 4x4 lwb project, 88 Jimmy beater/highschool ride. 79 c30. 99 tahoe 4x4 project. and a bunch of parts trucks..
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