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Old 07-06-2011, 04:12 PM   #1
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A Request from the Builders

Greetings all, I've finally got my truck (56) up and going, and tweaking it as I go from here. Eventually, I'd like to have it as close to stock as possible, and with the 'downgrades' it was given by a PO, I need some help.
What I need, but not by any means soon, is the original frame horns for the bellhousing mounts that were cut off of my truck. If someone is doing (or has done) a frame off with a 'clip job', if you could carefully remove the horns I could use a set. I'm pretty sure it has the stock bell, as it has the starter bolted back through it. It's really odd, since there's a 400 in front of it, and a SM465 (with transfer case) behind it. For some reason, the PO moved the engine back about 5" from the original V8 location, which makes the cab hot with the engine that close, and the radiator hot, with the fan that far away.
Anyhoo, if anyone is going that route, and could grind off the rivets instead of torching them, I'll be in the market for them in the next couple years. I want to get my Bel Air together and done before I start taking apart the truck, but the longer you wait to get parts, the fewer there are available.

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