Thread: 67/72junkie
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Old 07-06-2011, 09:25 PM   #6
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Re: 67/72junkie

Yes Hopefully he is ok, BUT i had a thread WTB custom 30 emblems, after i posted i had a few members step up and i chose him cause he said they are very nice, so we agreed on 50.00 shipped. I sent 50.00 paypal on the 16th of june took few days and he got back to me on the 20th saying he was out of town and he got the money and would ship them out on the next day, making it june 21st. thats the last i heard from him. I have emailed him numerous times with no reply. I even offered if he wanted to keep them just paypal my 50.00 back to me with no reply.... Lets just hope he is ok and hope he takes care of us all..... I have never had this happen so should i wait longer or contact paypal explaining I have not recieved my emblems...

Lowered 2002 PT Cruiser ONLY for mileage.
1969 Stepside 4x4 ( under construction )
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