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Old 07-06-2011, 11:01 PM   #378
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Re: back from swap meet and this is what is left

Originally Posted by teeitup View Post
creepdogg, this is what I have, I don't have any of the other parts.
bat tray small rust in one corner but solid everywhere else $15
67-68 headlight buckets and chrome rings $15
67-68 turn signal housings, one has a broken stud $10
taillight housing $5
Ac outlets, they don't have brackets $25
all plus shipping
here are some pics
Tks for speedy response, few questions,

- Battery tray, looks good, I could likely weld up the hole? Otherwise its square and ready for blasting?
- Headlight buckets and rings, your photo shows the chrome ring and a headlight but I cant quite see the bucket, just want to confirm they are there.
- Turn signal housings, do you have the lenses or do most folks replace them? Also the stud, could I just weld a new one on?

Do you have any a/c controls? and a Right back up lamp housing? Clean un adulterated v8 engine harness?

Thanks again, appreciate all your help.
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