Thread: 67/72junkie
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Old 07-07-2011, 01:18 PM   #10
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Re: 67/72junkie

Originally Posted by Liz View Post
how did you pay ? money order, check, postal money order?

also his contact info is posted by him in the following thread
We made a deal that I would send him some seat bottoms for $50, plus the shipping. (which was $38) That money was to be put as a deposit for a console and I would send him the remainder when I got paid.

On payday I sent a PM asking what his paypal was and I have yet to get a response. Even if I do at this point I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with going through with the deal as it seems like his intent is less than honorable (unless, there is a reasonable excuse for ignoring everyone)

So, I'm not sure what course of action I could take. It's not really about the money at this point, but more principle.
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