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Old 07-08-2011, 04:14 PM   #1
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Death and Birth of A C10

Hey everyone i havent been on the site in awhile due to some life incidents..i moved and gave away the 63 i was working on due to not having space at new house..well after the move in april i was in a accident in my 65.....wont go into all the details,but at 2 summtin in the morning i was driving home and passed out behind the wheel shattered my heel,fractured my pelvis in 5 places and my face once....i hit three just glad to be alive and didnt hit anybody else....heres the pics..

the only thing i could save was the motor out of the 65 now in a cast waiting for my heel to heal enough to have surgery and fuse my ankle joint together and another 6 months to walk on it ,im using crutches now and moving around alot...went and picked this 1966 truck up today for $400 it has a few dents in the bed but not bad ,has all new front rubbers replaced on front suspension, new power steering conversion bolted in,new radiator in box,new heater blower motor,black and yellow plates,registered, basically just missing the motor and trans, ill be putting the motor from the 65 in the 66 and hope it fires ok.....heres the pics

due to being in a cast and also trying to work on my 54 ford 2dr this will be a slow build...more pics to come later.....
Timmy D.

"What that grinding noise?Don't worry about that it will eventually clearance itself!"

1966 chevy c10 Build Thread:

1954 ford customline
H.A.M.B 54 Build Thread:
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