Re: estimating gear ratio
then that would probably be a 3.23, which is not a stock (for 60-66 chev trucks) rearend ratio. Is your rear end orignal to the truck or has a swap occurred at some point. 3.23 is not a bad gear ratio... Also, make sure the "other" side tire is on the ground or chocked somehow to get a true reading. But if you got 3 and 1/4, then you likely have a 3.23. That's not a bad ratio to have, by the way - decent mileage/perf compromise. Stock for a 60-66 was 3.73 with optional 3.08 (and 4.11 I THINK, but don't quote me on that).
Depending on your trans 1st gear ratio and whether or not you have an o/d trans mod in the truck - 3.23 is pretty good. If you want to fry your tires, won't work. If yiou want GREAT mileage, won't work - but a good ratio I think anyway. (again, it all depends on your trans and its ratios and what you want to do).
OOPS - MY BAD - I SEE IT IS A 12 BOLT and NOT ORIGINAL. THEN YES, probably a 3.23.
Last edited by jocko; 07-09-2011 at 01:21 PM.
Reason: oops