Originally Posted by Joemomma1
I'm gonna say late model decals. I do like though.
Posted via Mobile Device
Thanks. No decals though...
Originally Posted by losthope
besides the chevy bar, the grillie opening has been sculpted/reworked??
Getting warmer...
Originally Posted by Andyboy
I think the grill is turned upside down and the thin chrome around the chevrolet has been removed. Looks bad ass though.
Andyboy pretty much nailed it. Except the whole grille is not flipped, just the center opening. Then, since it was not originally designed to be viewed from that angle, metal was added to fill in the new top and lower opening.
The center hoop no longer matched the inverted opening so the letters were relieved to float on their own. Still need to paint the black part of the C-H-E-V-R-O-L-E-T
Here's a "normal" 61 grille for reference: