Ok, it's not that I'm 'cheap' cheap . . . .... rather, 'cost effective' cheap.
If I spend over $150 for a carb, I'll spend more for something better.... like a 4 barrel. You know, 'more bang for the buck'. And, $12 is a worthy investment since you never know until you try.
Now, my friends will tell you I'm the first in line to upgrade the power ratio, but I'm trying to keep things in perspective. I know I'll have a hard time stopping w/just swapping the intake/carb. I'll want to clean up the oil leaks, wiring, hmmmm, it could use some headers...... see how it escalates w/me. I bought this one for a clean driver & that's exactly what it is (when running of course

I'm sensing a lack of respect for my mechanical aptitude, but to ease your minds I keep an extinguisher under the kitchen sink, in each truck, & in the garage. Remember I'm cheap (cost effective) . . ..... it's cheaper to be prepared than to replace.