Ohio Meet A Sucess!!!!!!!!!!!
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08-02-2003, 11:26 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: eleanor wv usa
Posts: 3,103
Ohio Meet A Sucess!!!!!!!!!!!
Got home around 9pm from Fine 69's, a real great turnout and a super bunch to hang with!!!! Some good rides were there,a few parts and great food. Thanks Mike and Rhonda!!!!!!!!!! Mike's got the list of who was there. Some work was done on the trucks,its good to get to see stuff done firsthand and even a lesson on readin' gas pumps right Jewels? LOL!!!!!! It was super to meet everybody and hope to do it again. The only thing I missed was not havin' my truck ready to go. Hope everyone had a good time like me and again many thanks to Mike and Rhonda for there time on this. Oh yea it was great to meet Andy aka... Longhornmail.They was takin' alot of pics so there should be some good ones. Hope everyone had a safe trip home. Later Weasel.
69 C-10, OWNED 38YRS... 350 over 30, 350 Turbo, 3:73 Posi P/S, P/B Black with red and black int. ''LOVE THESE OLD ''TRUCKS.......
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