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Old 07-12-2011, 02:31 PM   #16
Dan in Pasadena
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Re: Brothers Truck Show

Here are some pictures I took. Some are kinda random because they're pictures of small details I wanted to record for my possible future use.

Kabwe, I THINK I saw you but I only know you from a couple random shots of yourself contained in an old thread. I didn't want to walk up to someone and say, "Hey, are you "Kabwe?"... just because they were African American. If it HAD'NT been you the guy woulda thought I was nuts and said, "What the hell's a 'Kabwe' and why are you calling me that?!

Anyway, pic's. This one WOWED me. Owner said it was 1936 Ford Cordoba Tan and had WheelSmith powder coated rims, but he didn't know the color name. LOVED this Sub!

55 Panel in '62 Chevy Seafoam Green. I REALLY liked this especially with the painted-to-match steelies. Elegant in my opinion.

I've got a bunch more but gotta run for now. If you want more just chime in and I'll post. These are just color ideas for my own truck later.
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