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Old 07-12-2011, 10:56 PM   #21
Dan in Pasadena
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Re: Brothers Truck Show

Ha ha, you're right. I should have walked over and asked if you were the guy on the 67-72 board? I just didn't want to offend anyone.

I told my son-in-law Sunday afternoon I had seen a couple of guys at the show that I thought were board members but I felt weird about just walking up to them. He asked why and I said, "...well because this one guy on the board is a black guy and there weren't a lot of black guys there so I didn't want him thinking I only recognized him because of that. But he's a kickass fabricator and I wanted to ask him some dumb questions about rust repair and such..."

He said, "...uh huh...'ya know what?, I'm pretty sure HE knew better than you that there weren't that many black guys there and he wouldn't have minded at all". My son in law is black and he was right of course. Again, my bad. Next show I know we're both going to, I'm going looking for you, I promise...and you may come to regret suggesting it!

Okay, enough of that. MORE pic's, that's what we need

This one just because it gave me a chuckle when I read it:

This was SUCH a kickass nice restoration on a COE but there were so many guys around it that THIS is as close to a clear shot as I ever got:

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