Originally Posted by fredscarryall
got the front bumper,bumper filler and headlight buckets in. also got the wiper motor and linkage in. tomorrow the hood ,fog lights and steering column go in and i start figuring out where to install the switches in the dash. then hopefully by the end of the week the plywood floor will be in and the back inner fender will get tacked on. also figured out why the brakes wouldnt bleed.sometimes it the simpliest thing. the calipers where on the wrong sides.so the bleeder where on the bottom instead of on the top. i dont know which is worse. taking 6 hours to unsuccessfully try to bleed the brakes or having a motorcycle guy walk up and instantly tell you whats wrong.
looks great as always the quality of this build is great, don't feel bad about the brakes I just installed 4 or 8 pistons backwards the other day and spent hours diagnosing with stock marked pistons even

Can't wait to see a video of her cruising