Re: Project: 1966 Stepside LWB
What a neat project. What impresses me the most is the fact that you do not seem to be intimidated at all with the rocker/floor replacement. I'm really anxious to see your continued progress, so please continue to do what you're doing with all the in-progress shots. I love that stuff! It looks like the previous owner sure loved to cut holes, so you'll be doing some patches in the doors.
By the way, the buckets look to be '69 (or later, possibly 70-72) GTO buckets. GM started putting headrests as standard on their seats in 1969. It was an option on some models in '68, though. If it's got the reclining seat back option, you have a rare set of seats, my friend. Those seats should bring a good amount if ever decide to ebay them. It'll knock a big chunk off of the $740 purchase price, which was a steal to begin with.
By the way, how close of a color match is the Duplicolor Light Drift Sand Metallic to the original interior color?
Last edited by chevyrestoguy; 07-13-2011 at 09:53 AM.