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Old 07-13-2011, 03:15 PM   #2
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Re: 6 cylinder HEI module to external coil wiring question

Figured I'd post an update to this thread just in case someone finds it in the future and needs an answer to this question.

I swapped the wires this past weekend and ran the negative wire directly from the module out of the distributor to the coil (without coiling it around inside the distributor) and the truck is running great so far. No problems. So it appears that you don't have to follow the path of the original negative wire.

Also, the big condensor in the distributor that's wired in to the positive wire to the coil has nothing to do with the ignition system - it's actually some kind of noise suppression device for the radio. I eliminated mine completely just to clean up some room in the distributor and didn't have any problems with the truck running (of course, the radio might not sound as good but I wouldn't know because mine doesn't work anyway).

Hope this might help someone out in the future.

1970 C/10, 250 L6 with Rochester BV carb, SM465 4 speed, 3.73 open rear
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