Thread: 67/72junkie
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Old 07-15-2011, 10:35 PM   #16
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Re: 67/72junkie

Originally Posted by JQ-72 View Post
ATTN: I TALKED TO DONALD TONIGHT! I was getting worried since no one (myself included) has heard from him so I made some calls to his hometown today and finally got him. He had an unexpected family / legal issue come up and he had to go out of state. It was only supposed to take a day or two, but wound up lasting nearly 3 weeks. He was away and involved so long that his cable/phone got cut off while he was out of town. He wanted me to pass on to everyone that he has ALL packages ready to go and they will ship out tomorrow. He said he will go to the library or somewhere with internet access tomorrow and send out tracking numbers to everyone. He wanted me to apologize to everyone for the inconvenience. I'm just glad to hear he is OK!
not to cast doubt.. but I lived in the same area for many years. Cable and phone do not get cut off in 3 weeks.. it usually takes closer to 3 months for them to bother. I hope it all works out for him. He has access to this area to answer all issues. That can be done from the library etc. As of today I had two additional members message stating no tracking, no parts, no reply.
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