Wow...real long weekend...but AWSOME!!!!
Longhorn Jeff showed up from Illinois on friday evening, we stayed up till bout 3 AM just shooting the crap, then up at 8 AM to get loaded up for Mike's. I had about 6 or 7 hrs labor into the GMC washing, waxing, cleaning it all up. Spent about 16 hrs there at mikes, had some fun, learned some stuff, and for anyone who was wondering about the whole 68 ignition bezzel problem that Jewels was having...I got it all set up for her.

Did't crash untill about 4:30 this morning, then it was up at 9! Jeff left for home this afternoon, and should be home later on around 9 or 10 I'm thinking.
Many thanks to everyone I got to talk to, deal with, learn from, and esp all the deisel jokes, we ragged on her pretty hard, but she took it all with a huge smile!
The attendance was outstanding, and I can't wait till next year.
Give me a few min to d/l my pics, i have quite a few to do here.
One interesting thing...there were only 2 short beds, mine and jewls trucks, but
3 LONGHORNS!!! Who woulda figured?