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Old 08-03-2003, 10:26 PM   #4
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Southern Idaho
Posts: 59
Man I know what you are going thru now! I have a 71 GMC w/ 307, 2 barrel carb & manual 3 speed. It started with the simple, hey I'm gonna change the plugs and wires. Got the plugs & wires changed but for some fluke when I started up the truck the needle got stuck in the carb and now it flooded all the time. Rebuilt the carb and set it up to the rebuild specks, including turning the idle screws both back out 2 full turns. But all I got was a crappy backfiring idle that sometimes stalled. Well I set the timing, set the dwell, adjusted the idle, replaced the points,the condenser, the cap, the rotor, heck I even thru in a hi performance coil out of the camaro. But still no luck. Finially I tinkered with the idle screws one at a time by slowly backing them out further than the recommended 2 full turns. Man I was happy that now it was running smooth and had no hesitation at instant throttle. Kind of an expensive lessen to learn though. Hope this helps in the fact that man I hear you. PS watch out for fouled plugs also.
72Chevy swb 4x4
71GMC swb 2x4
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