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Old 07-17-2011, 12:12 AM   #1
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Posts: 196
72 BB motor swap wont drop/ 2wl dr/ halfton

I am swapping out a 350 for the 402.
For whatever reason the mounts on the engine and the BB 72 engine stands dont even come close.
I've got the engine bolted up to the existing 350 TH tranny, and the 72 only engine stands are not lining up. Is it because of the smaller tranny ?
Are there different stands ? Would 4x4 have the same stands. I have hit the wall. Pulling out what few remaining hairs I have.
I have a set of BB 71 towers I am going to try on Mon.
I may be overlooking something stupid. Anyone with any experience with this issue ?
Thanks !!
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