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Old 08-03-2003, 11:52 PM   #1
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Posts: 141
Frame Gas Tank Needed

I cannot begin to tell you all how helpful this BB is. I have solved so many of my problems by looking here. So now I figured out why my gas guage does not work. I took the sending unit out and there is no floater connected to it. Also the inside of the tank looks really bad. So I have decided to put in a frame tank so I can have more room in the cab. But the budget is getting really tight, so I look to you all for guidance. I need an inexpensive tank to replace the other one. I saw a posting for an aluminum tank and I really like how it looked. Dont remember who it was but they installed it around March and they had pictures in the BB. Just cant find them again, must be too tired.

I also have a spare dash(no tach) that I am not going to use, it dirty but has all of the guages. Not sure what year it came out of but I belive it was a 72 C10. And a complete set of 8-lug 16.5" wheels with good tires on them. And a set of used 402 BB headers, they are in good condition. Was told they were bad and it turned out to be just a gasket, Oh well the new ones give me more space between the brake lines.

67 C20
402 BB
THD 400
Its getting there, I think my wife thinks I love my truck more than her........hmmmm....Na
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