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Old 08-04-2003, 07:53 AM   #1
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curious engine question

I know I'm not the first one to ask this but.......My friend recently swapped out a good running chevy 350 for a Olds 350 for his blazer....after he was done't I asked him why and then he toldme to drive it and see why.....I have noticed a much much more smoother ride compared to what he had prior......I drove it, and it responded well without giving me any headaches when I burned some rubber down the all of these Olds engines run smoother when compared to the chevy's?.....this was totally cool because it was quieter but yet it ran better....I am in the middle of removing my engine right now. I will be putting in a chevy 327 or a Olds Rocket 350 like my friend got.....after this I'm leaning twards the olds.
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