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Old 07-19-2011, 09:20 AM   #156
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Re: 1954 Chevy / S10

Originally Posted by BlueJeep View Post
Can you tell us more about how you did the beltline, and some more close-up pics? How bad was the rust inside there and what did you do to mitigate it?
BlueJeep, I made a die for my beadroller for my panel truck and it was close to the bead on the back of the truck. The back of the truck was a little wider. On the corner I put a flat piece of paper on the cab so I could figure out the radius. Once I figured that out, I cut the paper and transfered it to the sheetmetal. Then beadrolled the radius. I only used half of the beltline bead that was about 3/4". The upper part of the bead was alright. I left about 3/4" on below the bead because that was below the rot. I then put the flat edge of the sheetmetal (non beaded edge) and ran it on the beadroller. Because it was radiused too. If you looked at the edge it looked like a flattened W. If the beltline edge didn't look crisp I changed the dies and ran the tipping die over it. I then put the piece on the cab and scribed the panel on the cab. Then welded it in. The rust wasn't to bad behind the beltline. I will post more picture for you when I do the last piece.

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