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Old 07-19-2011, 09:41 AM   #1
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Shopping Maintenance Supplies

I don't work for PEP Boys, but I just got an ad in my email inbox for some good prices on maintenance items. I usually stock up when I see these because they only show up once a year or so. You might want to check out the current ad.
Examples: All after mail in rebates: Peak 50/50 antifreeze - $3 gallon, 5 qts. Peak conventional oil and Purolator filter - $8, Champion Platinum spark plugs - $.49. Also, buy one tire and get the second 40% off (looks like some good brands). If you aren't picky about brand names, these prices are good, but you can wait for almost free stuff which happens with rebates from time to time - especially at ACE hardware. I got the Peak antifreeze for $1 a gallon at ACE last December, then it all leaked out when my water pump blew last week - my reason for shopping price on maintenance items.

When buying "consumables" for my old beater I buy average quality items, but try to stick with GM/Delco on mechanical/electrical parts. What I save on consumables I more than blow on hard parts.

I hope this doesn't violate any forum policies - just trying to help my brutha posters save some $$.
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