Thread: New updates
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Old 07-19-2011, 05:26 PM   #1
1980c-10 mybaby
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New updates

Well the truck got back on the ground for a whopping 2 hours after i finished my flip kit... enough time for me to put the grille and headlight bezels in and than the rear was back in the air to get a new drive shaft made to fit because the flip kit slide the yoke to far out... Also in that time i decide that i would redo the brakes in the drum... driver side went fine had some cussing and swearing to do at those stupid springs but i understand how they all work now and its really neat compared to the new Toyota's ive done... but the passenger side that's another story... came apart great... came out of the garage from cleaning some parts and my emergency brake cable on the passenger side snapped and was broken... no one was outside maybe the wind blew to hard who knows... now ive ordered my new brake cable and have had to wait a week just for it to get here... should be here 8am tomorrow which isn't good cause ive gotta work at 9:30

on top of that i one of the brake lines was snapped off in the passenger rear wheel cylinder and was zip tied with rubber hose to hold it together so no brake fluid would leak... DIDNT WORK
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