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Old 07-19-2011, 06:31 PM   #27
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Re: 72 Blazer - Here we Go

Yes, I did have to cut my coupler and it is HARD. I wouldn't take the whole .500 off yet though. I would trial fit and measure, measur, measure. You can always cut more off. It is a pain to piece everything together only to have to take it apart again and again LOL. I was working by myself and must of had my engine in and out 8-10 times building and designing my crossmember.

Once you have taken the .625 off the face of the adapter you may have to grind/cut/machine a spot for the VSS. I used theirs so I did not have to machine the front of the adapter and taking the .625 might be enough for the VSS clearance. You will know soon as you bolt the 4-6 bolt adapter on. I am pretty sure the seal is on the next step on the adapter so the .625 might not have to be "machined"? Maybe just a grinder?

I put my VSS on the wrong side of the 4-6 bolt adapter and it is very close to the shifter. It works but would be better on the other side.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have and if I can I will help.
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