Chevy C K P G Trucks Parts Illustration Manual 79-84
Chevy Truck Parts AND Illustration Book for all light duty model C K G P pickups and vans, 1979-84. Book is about 5 inches thick and is in good condition.
Covers drive train, brakes, body, electrical,. chassis, group and parts number, way too much to list.
Ready to be set in a loose leaf binder.
$50.00 plus shipping
86 K30 CUCV M1028A1
86 K30 CUCV M1028a2 dually
86 K30 C&C 6.2 4:56s, 4M, 11,000 gvw, ex fire truck, now lowboy dump
More square bodies and CUCVs than I care to admit to
2020 Silverado K3500HD Work truck