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Old 07-20-2011, 03:15 PM   #9
meter swinger
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Re: Dropped my truck off at the Transmission Shop.

Just had two trannys done and that sounds about right $$$$ wise for where im at. My trans guy told me that 400's are known for ditry fluid. What sounds odd to me is his recomendation to not change the fluid. This is generally a given for a trans with alot of sludge in the pan, that you don't want to do a complete "flush" of the trans cause it will send trash all through the unit. But just changing filter and fluid in the pan i would think to be safe. Does it hesitate to shift at all? Like taking off from a dead stop particularly when not fully warmed up? I would consider a second opinion berfore doing anything major unless your getting symptoms while driving. At the worst your out another 70$ for a shop to pull your pan. And ask if you can be there and look at the pan and fluid when they pull it.
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