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Old 07-21-2011, 01:38 PM   #6
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Re: Carrier Support Bearing...

Thanks guys! The drive shaft shop had mounted the yoke in the wrong place. I was asking if the smaller drive shaft attaches in the rear. After I returned to the DS Shop the tech figured out his mistake. BTW my truck is only a 2WD not a 4WD (4x4) sorry about the confusion. On my 2 piece drive shaft I have a smaller circumference drive shaft and a larger circumference connected by a U-joint. I was just trying to see (prior to the mistake being caught) if the larger plugged into the transmission or if the smaller plugged into the transmission. After the tech fixed his mistake I concluded that the smaller end connects into the transmission and the larger end connects up to the rear end. I was just trying to confirm that I didn't screw anything up. Thanks again to all who gave me input...
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