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Old 07-22-2011, 12:50 PM   #10
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Re: 1989 R3500 blown head gasket and cracked head

Thanks for all the info. My thinking on the 383 was that I would get BB power from an engine that would bolt in place of the 350 block without too much extra work. To my knowledge, I would have to change out all kinds of components to retro fit a 454. It's really not a fuel mileage thing. I realize that the weight and a square nose severely limit this truck as far as fuel effeciency. This truck is heavy to say the least...that's why I originally wanted to throw a diesel under the hood. An overdrive trans would be nice in place of the turbo 400, but then I would need a controller for the 4L80e. I don't trust the 700r4 in towing applications, which this truck has and will continue to see. In all honesty, I really prefer a manual and if I went with a trans swap, it would be converted to a nv4500. Thanks again for all the input.
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