Originally Posted by remist17
Thats interesting.... a 94 bolts in. I might be going to the junk yard!
Can anyone tell me how the retracter bolts in? Do I need to take off the plastic cover to get to the bottom bolts? I understand how to take off the top one on the top pilar.
yes I have a bench seat. Tehe truck is at paint right now so Iwill check it when it gets back
sorry for all the dumb questions just never tried this before and not sure what I need.
Yeah, you have to remove the plastic. It's pretty simple, just get yourself a wrench, or a ratchet with some sockets. I forgot the exact size of the bolt, but on the floor of the cab your dealing with about 4 bolts holding all of the seat belt equipment. Oh, and there's no such thing as "dumb questions" buddy, we're all here to learn n help
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