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Old 07-23-2011, 12:06 PM   #1
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Location: Shelburn Indiana
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How do you fix a bent dash pad??

I have a dash pad that the cover is in good shape and is very usable. The problem is the metal backing is bent. I have not tried anything and looking for ideas before I try and damage the cover. I tried to get pictures of the bend but what is looks like is the stud still had a nut on it when the pad was being removed and the when pryed on the backing bent. The pad still fits the dash. Seems tight at the stud that is where the dip is and the it sticks up off of the dash where the raised part is. I thought this might be an easy fix but afraid of damaging the outer cover. Any ideas? I know I am not the first one with this problem but I could not find the answer in a search. If this needs to be in another catagory please move it. Thanks, Todd
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Note: All parts I have for sale are also for sale locally.

I currently own: 1940 Chevy Fire truck (project), 1946 Chevy truck (project), 1946 Chevy 1 Ton pick up, 1953 Chevy school bus (storage area), 1968 Chevy C10 (I have drove for 26 years), 1994 Chevy C2500 (daily driver), 2005 GMC crew cab K2500 (parts hauler) and more trucks for parts.
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