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Old 07-23-2011, 01:41 PM   #2
Classic Bowties
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Re: NEW Carlisle swap at Auburn, IND auction Labor Day Wnd

Originally Posted by IndyRich View Post
Don't know why a MOderator moved my previous thread to Pennsylvania...because this has nothing to do with Penn.
That would be the thread relocation police, did the same thing on the thread for the four day monster event know as the annual "April Portland Swap Meet", the largest swapmeet on the west cost w/over 5,000 vendors and 100,000 attendees. This event pulls people in from all over the country, lots of folks from Canada, WA., ID., MT., CA. & NV. yet the thread was moved into the Oregon regional area were no one viewed again once moved there, and I think you have to be a member just to get into this area. The events and info is good fun for everybody and if you dont like cars shows or swap meets just move on, kinda like people posting an upcoming car show or a "small time" board guy posting a thread for an upcoming weekend barbecue open invite to boardmembers, why move it were nobody can see it? I have noticed several events getting moved in the recent past, yet some others when the thread poster/postees have board clout/status they stay on the main board getting thousands of views. Mel
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