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Old 08-04-2003, 11:38 PM   #9
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well it sounds like you want to get two motors, so with 1200.00 you will have to do a mcgiver here, if your going to tow with that 400 it will have to be pretty sound, so with 1200.00 you can't rebuild both, is there any way you can just fix whats wrong with the two motors or are they too far gone, you might have to do one now and one down the road a bit, you could probably by the rebuild kits for both with the money, but you'd need a buddy mechanic to rebuild them, is there any parts you can sell from any of this stuff, how about the corvette after you pull the motor, we have to figure out how too get enough scratch to do the two motors, or you might just have to build one nice truck, and use it for both, in that case I'd do the 400 in the 4x4

Last edited by casey; 08-05-2003 at 01:13 AM.
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