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Old 07-26-2011, 02:09 PM   #11
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Re: Non-garaged insurance?

Originally Posted by gotchamel View Post
Thanks for the replies but all companies suggested require the truck being in a lockable garage or similiar structure.I am looking for non-garaged insurance for agreed value.
I use a local Farm Bureau office. I know they aren't a vehicle specific insurance group, but they base the premiums on the value I want the vehicle insured for as long as it's at or above the estimated value. They won't let me choose the value if it's below, but I've never had a problem insuring things for over what they are worth with them. I bought a camper for $1200 out of a field and immediately insured it for $6000 while I rebuilt it. I'm sure it's still not worth more than $3500, but I keep it insured at $6000 with no problem. We use them for our house as well and were able to choose how much we wanted to insure our house for as well so we chose 70% of replacement cost, but it's still 100k more than our house is appraised for. I've had great luck with insuring everything through them.
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