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Old 08-05-2003, 11:45 AM   #97
Size does Matter
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Grove City, Pa
Posts: 112
Just wanted to say Thanks to Fine69 and his wife for the get together, would have liked to stay longer but had to get back on the road again!!! A bunch of great guys out there!! Thanks to Everyone who swapped parts with my husband (6772king) A big Thanks to Jamie72 and his wife for bringing along the seats!!! That what he has been waitng for!! (Sorry Lomghornmail I know you wanted them!!) Even though I dont have a 67-72 yet (Notice I sais yet!) I would love to have all of you guys and anyone else for a get together at my place!! I don't know if it to far of a drive for Fine69 and a few other of you ohio people but let me know! Sorry I didn't get to meet you Jewels and sorry to hear about the problems you had!! Thanks again!!!
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