Here we go!!
I was hopng I wasn't alone here!
Just think, with the new zinc coating process, like that offered on the doors and fenders, what a great new lease on life an ole cab could get!
All spot welded in.... just like factory, some fresh seam sealer, and..........a better than new repair, that would be real hard to tell even existed!!
Shipping could be an $$$ problem, due to size, but, not much more girth than, say, a cowl hood. As a LAST RESORT, it could be made with ONE " step-flanged" seam down the middle. Shipped in two pieces. (halves) Not the best solution, but would acomodate the guys who only need to repair one side.
Wonder how many nice, otherwise solid cabs have been crushed for lack of a decent floor solution?
How many have been passed over, or tossed because they weren't "high hump" cabs for the coveted big block trucks?
I know prototyping and tooling are expensive, not to mention the
up front market research that has to be done, before a vendor will even talk about launching a new product, but what better place to check the pulse of the 67-72 buying public, than right here on the biggest, best 67-72 site on the net!
Hmmm, ........time for a poll, WES!! LOL!
Oh, don't forget the "body drop" crowd! Can you think of an easier way to kill the rust AND slam the cab at the same time, all while retaining the factory ridgity of the stock floor??!!!
Pretty easy to "sink"a brand new floor!!! And, if ya goof it the first time, just order another one! Ha,Ha!