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Old 07-27-2011, 09:34 AM   #13
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Re: Non-garaged insurance?

Originally Posted by prostreetC-10 View Post
I am actually an insurance agent and you need to realize that insurance companies have adjusters come out to investigate claims. If there is any material misrepresentation, they can deny the claim regardless as the insurance should have never been written. I have been doing health insurance for almost 20 years. I tell people that if you are hiding a condition or Rx......they will find out at claim time!
I understand about not being straight with the insurance company and their right to deny. But,when it comes down to it this can be done and in good conscience. The garage only comes into play with damage occuring on your property,which to me is a minor concern and has no ill affect against the company with "while driving" incidences. It's no different than driving the vehicle other than to shows,the repair shop,parades,or whatever restrictions may be in place. My company asks if it is garaged at home or elsewhere. Most people know someone with a garage they could claim they park in. You can still bring the car home and park it in the driveway,just as you would park outside a hotel at a show. I realize that if a tree falls on a vehicle at home with no garage someone who does this is screwed. Like I said,That is a very low risk compared to actual driving.
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