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Old 07-27-2011, 12:20 PM   #1
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69 fire truck turned service/towing truck

Our local fire dept was on borrowed time with the pump in this truck and since parts for it are non existent we never used it unless we had to, and since they found a replacement it went up for sale. $3000 was the asking price fo this 19,xxx original mile truck with a 427, 5+2 speed and a locker in the rear. My pops puts in a bid of $2000 after 3 or so weeks of no one jumping on the deal and they accepted his offer! He was a bit shocked and wasn't sure what to do with it since he is a tight ass and didn't want to spend the money to stretch the frame and put a grain box on it. Well my mom told him he needs a service truck so he decided to do that and put a gooseneck ball in it to haul hay in the fall. That's where I come in. He didn't have the time but I had taken a week off work to help him hay and the goofy weather we have this year made it so he didn't need the help so I got the job of "redesigning" the rear of this thing to allow him to use it this fall. He already had the tank off the John Bean body so all I had to do was cut and weld. Here are some pics of how things looked before I started... Name:  Killdeer-20110719-00114.jpg
Views: 221
Size:  40.2 KBName:  South%20Dunn-20110719-00109.jpg
Views: 217
Size:  42.2 KBif thing don't work quite right please be patient since I am doing this all from my blackberry.
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Name: Les
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