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Old 07-28-2011, 10:17 AM   #17
My Carbon Footprint
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Re: Non-garaged insurance?

I know these are areas that are hard when it comes to the general public and their view of insurance companies. For lack of a better example, why does the guy go to jail when he is drunk and driving his truck while someone blows a stop sign and hits him broadside? It's because he wasn't supposed to be on the road in the first place. I know that is not a real good example but insurance companies tell you right up front was the conditions are for the issuance of insurance. You simply meet those requirements or your don't. You can't pick and chose the ones you want to meet from the ones you don't.

I'm coming up on 20 yrs in the business. In 99.99999% of the cases where someone is unhappy with a claim denial, it's because the agent didn't properly explain the policy and the "benefit triggers" or the insured didn't read the policy once issued. You might be surprised at just how much consumer protection is out there when it comes to insurance. Insurance is nothing more than protecting someone from a risk through a contract. These agreements are not oral, they are in written form. When selling insurance, you must tell the whole story. What that means is telling exactly what the policy will, and more importantly, won't do. If more agents would take the time to really explain the policy rather than sell off the highlight sheet, We'd have a lot more happy people out there. I've never seen an insurance company deny a claim that they were legally responsible for. I have see companies deny a claim that they were not obligated to pay. I've also seem people get really made because they didn't read and understand how the coverage worked. sure it's written in Hebrew but that's why we have insurance agents. Our job is to carefully explain the coverage and how it will work or not work come claim time.

Bottom line is if someone takes out insurance and discloses what they THINK is important and disregards the conditions of issuance, they deserve to be denied at claim. The insurance company shows ever card prior to issuance, the applicant needs to do the same thing.
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