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Old 07-28-2011, 12:50 PM   #18
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Re: Non-garaged insurance?

All our insurance rates are higher than they should be due to a lot of fraudulent claims that they have to pay .We are the ones who suffer due to the misuse of insurance by others. I seen numerous times that people would take their autos to the highest shops around for repair estimates and then get a shade tree shop to do the repairs for a third of the cost of the insurance payout. Ive also known of people doing this with their home insurance ,even causing the damage themselves .My wife was an insurance agent for 25 years and she grew to hate it due to people abusing the system. Now Im insurance poor with 7 vehicles and 2 houses but I dont hide anything from my agent as I want his help when or if I need to file a claim. Im not sure what I will do for insurance for my truck after its restored but it will be my daily driver and will be insured as such.
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