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Old 08-05-2003, 04:40 PM   #8
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In Illinois, if you're in an emissions area, you DO have to pass emissions for this truck. Although they haven't opened my hood, you should have just a PCV.

Also, for that year, you'll just have to pass an idle test, nothing more.

At 1300 PPM, I'm guessing you can actually smell the truck running rich. This should be pretty easy to fix.

High Hydrocarbons means you're running rich. If you've rebuilt or replaced the carb, definitely get out a vacuum guage and set the idle mixture screws. Also, the things you've suggested all work. I've been told that changing the oil also helps.

If nothing else helps, check for a vacuum leak. These can lead to really poor mixture.

If you have more questions about Illinois emissions, let me know. I've had to fight this recently.

Good luck,

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