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Old 07-28-2011, 06:29 PM   #22
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Re: Non-garaged insurance?

Lil hoodlum ,your only problem is being young and Male . May also be where you live ,like a large city or something like that. I know insurance is a racket and wish it was more affordable. When I was 17 I owned a 77 Black Bandit T/A and my insurance payment was twice as much as the car payment but at the time that was my dream car and I wish I still had it. I remember asking my agent why it was so high and he told me it was being young and male and also a sports car . But in your case I would shop around and see if you could better your rate elsewhere. As far as Insurance companys go ,Hagerty has been great on my classic cars ,Ive had 2 claims and it was easy and painless dealing with them. My homeowners I havent had to deal with a claim yet so it is yet to be determined on that. Another thing that affects us all with insurance is all the people out there driving without any insurance .When they cause or are involved in an accident and the insurance company has to pay it affects all our rates. I have yet to read anyone on here that I thought was dishonest ,I have dealt with several buying parts and have met a few in person. I think most old car and truck people are the most generous and caring people Ive ever met .
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