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Old 07-28-2011, 10:36 PM   #25
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Re: Non-garaged insurance?

Originally Posted by 69heavychevy View Post
Yea i lied, so what?! ...
I'm guessing you are 18-19? Anyway.......

My Dad was a cop for 27 yrs. Everone hates the cops (figure of speech) until they are pulling you out of a burning car, house or keeping that big guy you pissed off from moving your front teeth to the back.

Bottom line is that insurance companies are not successful because they give you a reason to do business with someone else. Out of ever dollar, they have to pay claims, admin costs, advertisement and agents. Most of you would die to know that each state has a "rates and forms" dept to their insurance division and rate increase MUST BE APPROVED by the state based on loss ratios. As stated above, there is a bunch tacked on to our premiums simply because of fraud and Mr. "yea I what".
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