Girlfriend Progress
I think i may finally have my g/f turned on to the chevys. she was raised a hardcore ford gal, and the sings are starting to appear that she is taking a shine to chevys. she painted the wallls and roofin her room CHEVY ORANGE> WOO HOO> its about time. hehe
Maybe well have 2 start a resto for her. i can see it now, matching gmc longboxs. bright orange, on the frame, twin bbs, lotsa rim. right on
2003 yamaha raptor. Stock, but it still hauls!!!!
2000 skiddo mxz 700. Camoplast 1.5 inch track, jaws twin pipes, b+b can, custom built and weighted clutch, wiseco piston, high comp heads. its very fast. wow.
72 c-10 longbox. Bright Orange. Brand new 350, rv cam, performer intake, qjet, headers, 2 1/2 inch exhaust into hooker areo chamber mufflers. Body work coming soon.
"dont let yer mind wander, its to little to go places by itself."
"Forget the herse, cause i'll never die"-ACDC Back In Black
"If It's To Loud, Yer Just Too Old"
"I Love Anything Fast Enough To Do Something Stupid In"
"Instant idiot, just add beer!!""