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Old 07-29-2011, 01:20 AM   #11
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Highett, Victoria
Posts: 70
Re: G'day from Down Under

G'day mates,

Thanks for the nice welcome. Just ten minutes ago, I connected and fired up my new Apple iMac with a 21.5" screen. After twenty odd years with a range of PCs, I have finally seen the light! A good buddy kinda levered me a bit, and has offered to show me how to organise and send photos.

I've got several hundred from my last three trips to the USA, but don't seem to be able to set any up on the Corvette Forum, other than my avatar, and I can't remember how I fluked that!!!

However, I will supply photos as soon as I know how. Then I'll post some others on the Corvette Forum for the non-truckin' guys and gals.

Last night I read the first 25 pages of Drew's custom crew cab pickup, fascinating!! Than man knows no barriers. I wouldn't even dream about doing what he's done. Full marks to you Drew, if you read this.

Today my brother and I spent several hours loading a couple of old cars that had been sitting on my front lawn for a few years onto his trailer and took them to a wrecking yard. I picked up $350 (about ten thousand US$ ) for them, so that will go to the truck for its taillights.

I'm looking forward to seeing a few photos of custom lights as mentioned in the above posts. Bear in mind that in Australia our laws require a separate amber indicator lens to the stop/tail lights. Plus a reversing light. Considering that the truck is LHD, and that we drive on the left side of the road, the easier I make it for following drivers to see me, the less chance there will be of any fender benders.

Cheers for now.

Regards from Down Under.

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