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Old 07-29-2011, 10:34 AM   #6
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Re: Newbie here... which to buy?

Originally Posted by Ironhorse View Post
Also a big Welcome to the board here. Guess I'm a bit one sided on this but I'd go for the K10 Chevy. But then, since I have a '71 K10 my opinion is a bit predjudiced. I don't mind the old F***ds that much, never had one but from the two listings I think the '71 K10 would do you better. From the pics it's in much better shape than my truck was when I bought it. '71 was first year disc brakes were standard on all Chevy pick ups. Interior seems pretty decent, not a big fan of the floor shift shown in the 4x4 but that's personal preference. Have you made an actual visit to one or the other? Sometimes pics look better than the real deal in person.
bot - you may be right. The seller was real up front and told me it had been repainted years ago and it wasn't the best in the world. The F!rd is all original but appears to have more rust in the typical places where as the Chev is all in places that from what I read are easier to fix. He's not the original owner but the 2nd and has seemed real honest about what he knows of its history.

Thanks Ironman...err... I mean Ironhorse. Glad to get some feedback from someone with another year model K10. No sir I have not looked at either one only spoke over the phone. Neither truck is close to my house so today I am making an hour long venture to see the Chev. I do like the way it looks much better but I'm really afraid of even the small amount of rust (for the year) that it has as I have zero knowledge of any body work and don't want to fork over $3,500 + just for body work. Mechanical stuff doesn't scare me THAT much. I think in the end I could probably make either truck look good but a 4x4 in MN is nice to have. It's really hard to find almost any truck that's clean or even has minimal rust here in MN. I'll take pics of the K10 today when I see it and post.

Thanks again for any feedback - good or bad!
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