Originally Posted by markeb01
I really enjoy the looks of polished aluminum on an engine, but I’m missing the enthusiasm gene needed to deal with the maintenance. I’ve always liked the performance image of natural aluminum, but since it stains so badly I started spray painting my aluminum parts with Krylon #1403 Dull Aluminum back in the early 80’s. It closes up the pores and they stay nice for years with little more than soap and water.
nice, thanks for the tip!...i forgot to mention that i scored an Edelbrock Performer intake from a fellow trucker of the Louisiana Classic Truck Club...he blasted it & will be clear powdercoating...i'm hoping it turns out nice enough for me to switch it out with the polished intake...i've been debating whether to clear powdercoat this polished water pump...that's likely what i'll do if I don't get the natural finish one